“The Witches of Gambaga” tells the extraordinary tale of a ghetto of women, who were exiled as witches. Over more than 5 years, Yaba Badoe visited the hundred women again and again. The documentary won several awards.
- ‘What I Used To Know – The Road To Ghana’s ‘Witches’ Camps’. The 30 minutes-documentary was produced by SOSYWEN and portrays Tindang and other camps.
- Witches in ExileThis production by Allison Berg is distributed by California Newsreel and hard to come by in Europe. Nonetheless, it is maybe the most inquisitive documentary and play mainly in Kukuo. An outstanding piece of work.
- Children of Congo: From War to Witches More than five million died in Africa’s first world war, as Prunier called the Congo-wars. While their fate remains largely uncovered by western media, the fate of tens of thousands of street-orphans remains entirely forgotten. They were accused as witches, orphaned and stigmatized. The 67-minutes portrays the work of a Don-Bosco orphanage and exposes, what goes on in Congos cities. The documentary won the Pan African Film Festiva-award in october 2008.
- Die Hexenjagdflüchtlinge von Gushiegu A short text about the Gushiegu Ghetto, by Felix Riedel.
- Children in African Witch-Hunts – An Introduction for Scientists and Social Workers. Scientific research on Child-Witch-hunts remains scarce and poorly organized. The summary follows questions of historicity, crisis and strategies of practice against witch-hunts.
Useful Websites:
- Voice of the Accused Blog: http://voiceoftheaccused.wordpress.com/ (Independent)
- Stop Child Witcraft Accusations Website: http://stop-cwa.org/about/ (Church Organisation)
- Witch-hunts and Human Rights International Network: http://www.whrin.org/ (Independent)
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